Privacy Policy

Bindu’s Website Privacy Notice

1) Introduction
This is the Privacy Statement of Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd as it relates to this Site. We are not responsiblefor the content or privacy practices of other websites/contents which may directly or indirectlylinked or referred. Any external links to other websites are clearly identified as such.
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors to our website. We respect the rights of users of our Site and are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Privacy and associated Data Protection legislation at all times. We will not collect any personal information (also referred to as personal data) about you on this Site without your permission or otherwise in accordance with applicable legislation.
You are not required to provide us with any personal information (or personal data) in order to use our Site. However, where you choose to share us your personal data, via online feedback forms or e-mail with the consent to use such information, then we will treat your personal information in accordance with applicable legislation.
By simply visiting our Site, you do not disclose, nor do we collect, personal data about you. The information collected about your visit is limited to technical data such as:
  • The Internet address (or IP address) of the device you used to access this Site;
  • Whether you reached the Site using a search engine or if you clicked a link on another website;
  • The type of web browser you used;
  • The type of device you used to access the Internet.
We use this data for administrative and statistical purposes as well as to help us improve our Site. This technical data does not provide us with the personal data of visitors to our Site.
Most websites use cookies in order to improve the visitor experience by enabling that website to ‘remember’ you, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting (‘first party cookies’) or they may be set by other websites who run content on the page you are viewing (‘third party cookies’). When first visiting our site, you will be provided notice that our site uses cookies before cookies are set. If you continue to use the site after fair notice is provided, we will consider this as consent, through an affirmative action taken by you, to the use of cookies.
2) Giving us your Personal Information
Please note that where you provide us with your personal information (e.g. name, e-mail address, work address, phone and/or other contact information), through a facility provided on this Site or directly to us by e-mail, we will:
a) Process and administer your personal data to perform all necessary actions to give effect to your request or instruction;
b) Process your personal data to tell you about our products and services. We will only do so after asking for your explicit consent, or by relying on legitimate aim (in the case of existing customers);
Retain a record of incoming and outgoing communications (e.g. e-mail) in compliance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulation. Information in the e-mails we receive and send will not be disclosed to any third party without the permission of the sender unless otherwise in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection legislation and for the business / official purpose only.
3) Opt-in and Opt-out:
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd operates a strict “opt-in” policy for individuals. That means we will not send you any information unless you have requested to receive e-mail/text/social media message updates from us.
For businesses, Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd operates, in compliance with the relevant and applicable Data Protection legislation, an “opt-out” policy. This means that
  • we will continue to contact businesses with news and information of our goods and services until we are informed that this communication is no longer required by “Opt-out”
  • If you (whether an individual or business customer) wish to be removed from our direct marketing list and do not wish to receive any further information from us (opt-out)
  • you can inform us of this by clicking on the link at the bottom of each e-mail communication you receive from us.
  • Once this information is received, we will immediately remove you from our direct marketing database.
4) Security of Data
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd takes seriously its security obligations in respect of your personal data under the applicable Data Protection Regulation in order to prevent unauthorised access to, or alteration or destruction of personal data in our possession.
Further information on opt-in and opt-out options with regard to direct marketing is available at: contact form
5) Terms and Conditions
Access to this Site and the use of information contained on it is governed by the terms and conditions set out below. As these terms and conditions are for the protection of both you and Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd we advise that you please take the time to read them carefully.
By using this Site, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. Please note that this Site is owned and operated by Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd and that references to “we”, “us” and “our” mean Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd.
Copyright in this Site and the information set out on it belongs to us and/or our licensors and may not be copied, transmitted or reproduced without our prior consent. All copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices must be left intact. Save as otherwise specified, the contents of all the pages contained in this site are copyright of Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd or its licensors.
No part of this Site may be reproduced on or transmitted to or stored in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval.
Some pages on this Site contain hypertext links to websites of business units and subsidiaries of Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd. You are reminded that when you enter such Sites, you will be subject to the terms and conditions of those Sites.
Some pages on this Site contain hypertext links to websites may not maintained by Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd. You are reminded that when you enter other websites via such hypertext links, you will not be subject to these terms and conditions and you will not benefit from the protections afforded to you in using our Site. We will not be liable in any way for the content, availability or use of such link to websites and you use such links entirely at your own risk.
No third party is permitted to link any other website to this Site without obtaining Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd prior written consent.
The contents of this Site including these terms and conditions are subject to change. Should we make changes to our privacy settings or policy we will notify you in advance. We accept no responsibility or liability for keeping the information in this Site up to date or for any failure to do so.
6) Disclaimer
The information contained in this Site is for information purposes only. Whilst every care has been taken in its preparation, we do not make any warranties or representations as to its completeness, accuracy or reliability. Although we have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all of the information on the Site is accurate at the time of inclusion, we do not represent that this is the case and it should not be relied upon as such.
We neither accept nor assume any responsibility to you in relation to the contents of this Site. Access to and use of this Site is at the users own risk and we do not represent or warrant the use of this Site or any material downloaded from it will not cause damage to property, including but not limited to loss of data or computer virus infection.
We do not accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions on this Site. All implied warranties are excluded to the fullest extent permissible under law.
We reserve the right to update or alter the information on this Site including these terms and conditions at any time without giving notice of the alterations.
You agree not to post or publish any offensive, defamatory or unlawful material that could encourage or constitute a criminal offence, civil liability or violation of any law.
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd reserves the right to monitor or review the contents of the Site but are not obliged to do so and assume no liability or responsibility for the contents therein.
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd reserves the right to remove any materials posted to the Site at its absolute discretion.
Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd may disclose your identity to relevant parties to aid any investigation.
You warrant that the information you enter on this Site is accurate and you indemnify us in respect of any damage or legal costs arising out of any action taken against us in respect of the material posted by you.